Just wanted to let my readers know that I've added a new page for my patterns. They're in two different formats; the left is KG-Chart, the right is PDF. I should be adding more as I come up with ideas, or if I get any requests. As you can see my to-do list is getting quite long, but I'm trying to keep up with it! For anyone that's interested, by the way, the portrait of Chrono is what I'm working on currently. It's for a friend whose requested a set of coasters based off the game, that's why the pattern is round.  I've also added a RSS feed to the site. So if you want to follow me that way, just click the button to the right.
Here he is, the project I've been working on for almost two weeks now is done! This is Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 in his Kingdom Hearts outfit. I really like how the colors turned out, and this was the first time I had used KG-Chart. I was so happy with how he looked I didn't even have time to iron him! He's about 6 inches by 5 1/2 inches and believe me that picture doesn't do him justice. Now on to the next project, wish me luck!
So this isn't the project I had planned on posting, but it was finished first. The cool thing about this one is that the white outline is done in the same glow in the dark thread that the Totoro was done in. For those comic fans out there, I thought that because the pose I did was mid teleport it would be cool to have the outline. He's only about 4 by 4 inches but looks pretty cool to me!
I wanted to try something simple between big projects, so I went with Totoro. I'm not really sure if I like how it came out or not. The reason I did the white floss on black aida is that I just got glow in the dark floss and wanted to try it out. It glows green, but it's a pretty light glow. Maybe after a week or so on the wall, it will be brighter. The next project on the list is a big one, so I'll try to put up some WIP shots in the meantime.
Just finished the God Of War! Just in time for the release of GOW3, and a little late for the birthday it was meant for. I took the pattern from the Sprite Stitch forums.
You may have heard that the new Final Fantasy game has come out this past week, so all I had time to do was a little project. It's for a friend's birthday, and I'm working on a bigger project for him too. The pokemon is done on plastic canvas this time, that way I can make it into a magnet or a pin or whatever else they want. The finished project came out to be about 2 by 2 inches. Don't worry though, I should beat FF13 in about a week, and get back to stitching full-time!
After a week of hard work I'm finished with the cutest project so far! I'm a diehard Clamp fan so when I found a pattern of my favorite character I had to make it. Cardcaptor Sakura is my favorite series of theirs and Clamp patterns are hard to find. The scanner did make it look a little darker then it is, but once I have it framed I'll take a few more pictures. Thanks to the wonderful designs of Anime Stitching (http://animestitching.blogspot.com/) for the pattern.
EDIT: Here's a picture of it framed.

Just a little one, but still awesome! It's Chrono, from Chrono Trigger doing his downward slice. The only thing I'm not sure on is the color of his clothes. The sprite I used was kind of iffy, not to mention my printer was acting up. I hope it turned out well anyway.
The second time went much faster then the first. Even though it was on the black again, Wolvie was much easier to pull off. By the way, if you can't quite see it, the friend I did this for wanted "Bub" stitched on it as well. I personally would have gone for "snikt" myself.
This was the first real project I started, and it was hard! Trying to stitch black thread on a black canvas was very difficult. It turned out great despite the problems, and I really love it.